Thursday, March 22, 2007

Just a little bit about me...

Mary C. Horton
Majors: IDS-Sustainable Development

My name is Katy Horton and I have been a student here at Appalachian State since August 2002. When I began studying here, I don’t think I really had any idea of what I wanted to focus on. I took courses in Psychology, Political Science, and Communications, loving them all, but not exactly finding an inner passion for any of them. I then decided on majoring in International Business. I enjoy the Spanish language and have always been interested in foreign affairs and culture, especially those with Central and South America, so I thought that joining this with a minor in Spanish would be what was best for me. (This minor eventually, and circumstantially turned into a major just this semester). After four semesters in the business school, I decided that something had to change. It wasn’t that I didn’t or don’t enjoy the aspects of IB, it just didn’t really do it for me.

I knew that I had a passion for connecting with people, for culture, and anthropology. I care deeply about my fellow man and for the Earth that we all share. I am interested in knowing why we, as people, Americans, students, whatever, are the way we are. I have the same interest in understanding others in the same light. I tend to see life as a mostly grey area, as circumstantial, and relative. Because of this I have an appreciation for many different kinds of ideas, people, and cultures, no matter how contradicting they might be.

Then I came to the IDS Department.

I am a very scattered person. I am interested in and involved in many different things at once. My whole life has been this way. There are few things, however, that I can pinpoint my exact feelings on. I know we, as humans, face a serious challenge today. Not only is that challenge to do right or to “save the world” without absolutely destroying each other, but also, to stay somewhat sane while doing it. I am not sure that the latter is not equally as difficult.

To me, one of the greatest ideas is coexistence. (Cooperation, mediation, harmony, etc.) In my life, I hope to begin help create a coexistence between the areas in my life and others’ that pull us in a different directions; Individualism, self-interest, and maximizing potential, working together, the idea of the greater good, etc. Concentrating in Sustainable Development seems to be something that will perpetuate within me, this passion, or striving (although I find it hard to articulate my goals) to create such harmony in all aspects of life (social, economic, environmental, political, personal, etc.). So here I am. All tangled up in ideas, fears, ‘isms’, and assignments, trying desperately, and with a positive attitude, to work this out.

Coursework and Interests:

I have an interest in Planning and Development as well as the cultural implications that result. Along with courses in Economics, business, Spanish, and IDS (of course), I have taken several geography classes as well.

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